original artwork Iconic Images Art Gallery Boonton New Jersey Morris County photos drawings paintings custom artwork

Iconic Images Art Gallery offers a most impressive body of original artwork and photographs of famous faces and infamous places. Artwork ranges in mediums and subjects and includes limited edition prints, lithographs, and autographed original works signed by Hall of Fame Yankee Goose Gossage, Yankee Great Graig Nettles, Motorcycle Legends Evel, and Robbie Knievel, Mickey Mantle, Mat Mladin, Don Mattingly, and many others.

Our in-store gallery also offers an amazing collectibles corner with limited-edition autograph items featuring The Beatles, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Mickey Mantle, Whitey Ford, Valentino Rossi, Mat Mladin, Yogi Berra, Evel Knievel, and much more.


David’s motivation for his art is to capture the essence of the person and to sustain, for a moment, the snapshot of scene and image. His work has become a vice for him to exercise personal agonies and to also pay homage to those he admires. David is a self-taught artist/photographer...

David's originality, blending of mediums, and distinctive styling has propelled him to worldwide sales. His life-like realism sustains him as a top-selling photographer at the Ernest Hemingway Museum, Key West, and has been the in-house artist for the Mickey Mantle Wooden Bat Classic in  Commerce, Oklahoma for the past several years.

David's works have been presented and appreciated by some of the most famous names in sports, literary and entertainment, including but not limited to: Goose Gossage, Don Mattingly, Ron Guidry, Graig Nettles, Kevin Schwantz, Mat Mladin, Evel & Robbie Knievel, Buddy Guy, Hillary Hemingway...

David's art touches upon a deep love and admiration... “My work is the Legacy for which I leave in my father’s name, as I have no children of my own to carry on his namesake. I can only hope that my art does justice in some small way to the quality and courage, the greatness and unshakable character of my father, Paul Nicholas Pucciarelli... Until we meet again.”